● It allows the investor to diversify their portfolio and if you have studied historical evidence suggesting that these commodities aren’t as much affected by the market movements.
● Inflation is a friend for the investor in commodity trading as the rise in prices enables better profit margins for them.
● The supply and demand affect the prices, and when they go up, so will the investor profits.
● Investing in index funds that track various commodity assets
● Investing true commodity funds directly into underlying commodity assets means having a direct position over the commodity, for example, gold or oil.
● Investing in futures-based commodity funds where the risk is higher in the futures market, the investor won’t buy the commodity asset themselves. Can achieve higher returns as much as the risk if an investor makes the right choices.
● We at JC, intend our customers to know that Commodity trading is Risky – is a myth. We understand that all investments carry risk, and this is no different. But we can meticulously design your portfolio and help reduce those risks enabling you to get strong investor returns.
● You won’t know the quality of the commodity you are trading is another myth because the exchange-traded commodities are stringently checked for quality after careful inspection and auditing procedures.